"In the summer of 1925, torrential rains fell upon the northern coast of Peru. Heavy rains caused floods in the department of Lambayeque, turning rivers into muddy torrents. On March 18, officials measuring the water volume of the Chancay river at "La Puntilla" registered a flow of 1,000 cubic meters per second.

"On the left bank of the river, across from "La Puntilla," stands and ancient monument known as "La Capilla" ["The Chapel"]. This imposing place of worship is built entirely of large adobe blocks. Shortly after the rains, a peasant living in Hacienda Pampa Grande passed by "La Capilla" while looking for his lost donkey. During his search, he noticed that the rains had caused some of the platforms of "La Capilla" to collapse. Further on one of the fallen walls he spotted a large object. Drawing closer, he discovered a mummy bundle, which he sliced open with his machete. Inside he discovered a skeleton wrapped in multiple layers of cloth along with various golden objects. Among these he found six little jaguars made of gold plate.

"With a feeling of wonder and nervousness he placed the objects in his knapsack and returned to his house. On the next day he continued to Pacasmayo and sold most of what he had found to a foreigner dealing in antiquities. He then returned home to Hacienda Pampa Grande. At that time, the Hacienda Pampa Grande was owned by Victor Baca and Enrique Baca.

"For a while no one knew about the discovery, but before long there was a rumor that something unusual had taken place. For one thing, the peasant suddenly appeared to have more money that could be accounted for. When Victor Baca became aware of these facts, he confronted the peasant, who quickly owned up to having discovered the mummy bundle. "You have done a bad thing to sell the gold pieces in Pacasmayo. I would have bought them from you, and paid a good price, too." Hearing this, the peasant who held his patron in high esteem confessed that he had not sold all that he had found. "I kept some of the pieces," he blurted out and quickly went to his house, returning with two of the six jaguars. In payment Baca gave him 500 soles.

"Being partners, Victor gave his uncle Enrique one of the jaguars and kept the other for himself. Victor Baca frequently showed off his jaguar. Many people offered to buy it, but Victor would not sell. Later, after many years, a friend, Miguel Mujica Gallo, pleaded with Victor to sell him the jaguar. He wanted it for the gold collection he was putting together. Finally, Mr. Baca gave in. Victor's jaguar is now part of the collection of the Museo de Oro in Lima. The fate of the other jaguar, owned by Enrique Baca, is not known."

Source: "The Curious Legacy of Pampa Grande," South American Explorer, Issue 77, Winter, 2005.