"Shoot for the best, expect the worst, and settle for what you can get."

"Success requires knowledge, determination, commitment, and luck.
The last is the most important."

"Morality distinguishes humans from the rest of the animal kingdom."

"Only two kinds of people get fired: the very best and the very stupid; usually in that order."

"Envy is omnipresent; one has to learn to live with it."

"One person/one vote effectively means government of the mediocre, for the mediocre, and by the mediocre."

"The perception of weakness prompts attacks by others."

"Nobody gained more friends or his memory persisted longer through the ages than Brutus, by appearing to be stupid." (Self-deprecation works wonders).

"A person becomes truly free when he/she outgrows his/her own culture."

"There is only one thing harder than physical work, and that is mental work."