onlinerouting02:   Storage-indication reservoir routing (linear)    ⇒   S = K O


(2S2/Δt) + O2 = I1 + I2 + (2S1/Δt) - O1                   S = K(O)

Storage indication variable = [(2Si/Δt) + Oi]

For example, for K = 2 and Δt = 1:   [(2Si/Δt) + Oi] = 5 (Oi)



Time interval Δt (hr):     1

Storage constant K (hr):     2

Number of inflow hydrograph ordinates n:     16

Inflow hydrograph ordinates Qi:     100,150,250,400,800,1000,900,700,550,400,300,250,200,150,120,100


Time interval Time (hr) Inflow [(2S/Δt) - O] [(2S/Δt) + O] Outflow
0 0 100 300 500 100
1 1 150 330 550 110
2 2 250 438 730 146
3 3 400 652.8 1088 217.6
4 4 800 1111.68 1852.8 370.56
5 5 1000 1747.098 2911.68 582.336
6 6 900 2188.205 3647.008 729.402
7 7 700 2272.923 3788.205 757.641
8 8 550 2113.754 3522.923 704.585
9 9 400 1838.252 3063.754 612.751
10 10 300 1522.951 2538.252 507.65
11 11 250 1243.771 2072.951 414.59
12 12 200 1016.262 1693.771 338.754
13 13 150 819.757 1366.262 273.252
14 14 120 653.854 1089.757 217.951
15 15 100 524.313 873.854 174.771
16 16 100 434.588 724.313 144.863
17 17 100 380.753 634.588 126.918
18 18 100 348.452 580.753 116.151
19 19 100 329.071 548.452 109.69
20 20 100 317.443 529.071 105.814
21 21 100 310.466 517.443 103.489
22 22 100 306.279 510.466 102.093
23 23 100 303.768 506.279 101.256
24 24 100 302.261 503.768 100.754
25 25 100 301.356 502.261 100.452

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